There's been a discussion on several library blogs lately about whether it's really a blog without comments. While no one expects there to be a constant chatter, there does seem to be a consensus that comments make a blog more lively and thus, more appealing.
I know from my side that comments are appreciated. It's hard to know whether anyone reads these random postings. I admit that I haven't been too active lately with updates and have good intentions of posting more often than once a week this year, but it helps to feel that you aren't writing in a vacuum. My hope with starting this was that it would provide another way for us to communicate. I haven't heard from many people and only occasionally have I received information that people wanted posted.
So, this blog can go in three directions:
1. I can continue to urge you to send me staff news items so this blog is a forum of general interest to the staff of CCPL.
2. I can post my personal/professional musings and hope that someone reads them.
3. I can continue to do a blend of the above.
What would
you like? Comments, anyone?