Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

I spent New Year's Day doing a pleasant mix of old and new. I made bean soup with the leftover hambone, primed and put a first coat of paint on a small end table. I'm planning on glazing it, which is new to me. I helped my husband scan old family photos and burn them to CD's and showed him my budding Flickr account. I thought about how nice it is to do both types of activities and the challenges of retaining a balance in life. It struck me that it's the same challenge we have at work. How do we continue to do longstanding services creatively and also work in new technologies without being overwhelmed? I don't have any quick answers, but I know from my personal life that it's important to do both. So, that's my Auld Lang Syne for 2007. Make new friends and keep the old.


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