Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful thoughts:

I'm thankful that we do work that is valued. Our statistics continue to go up and it's easy to see that we are being used even more than before, in this time of increasing financial stress.

I'm thankful that we all have jobs.

I'm thankful that we have such a great staff.

I'm thankful that you have all been so supportive.

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Odd Flickr groups

work 08 015
Originally uploaded by staff_lines

You may have realized that there's a Flirck group for almost every interest, but did you know that there's a Librarian's Desk group? Added this to that group today.

Monday, November 17, 2008

SCLA 2008 Conference 117

SCLA 2008 Conference 117
Originally uploaded by curtis rogers

That's our Nic Butler, presenting at the "Going green in Greenville" 2008 SCLA conference. Thanks Curtis for capturing this. I took a shot, but it was so bad it never made it out of the camera....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

On the road

I've been on the roads of Charleston County the last couple of weeks, visiting the branches. It's been energizing to talk with everyone and to make a new connections. I've been to Mt. Pleasant, St. Andrews, West Ashley, John's Island, Otranto, McClellanville and Poe, with more to come in the next couple of weeks. If I forgot someone, please forgive me!

Many things are the same, no matter the community or the size of the staff and building. Everyone is working hard. Everyone is concerned about the future and what the constant and somewhat oppressive financial news means for CCPL. Everyone has great ideas of what they would like to accomplish. Everyone is proud of their branch.

Many things are different. Mt. Pleasant has concerns related to overuse and how their level of work can be sustained. McClellanville, running of space too, wonders about small branches and their place within the system and if there will ever be expansion in their community. Otranto wants to build on their good record of outreach.

I don't have the answers for some questions, but I do want to hear them. All of these issues are important for us, for now and for the future. I look forward to continuing these conversations, at other branches and other communication methods. Have a question for me?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Truer words

From Seth's blog today

Your customers and employees and investors will remember how you treated them when times were tough, when they needed a break, when a little support meant everything.

No one in particular will remember how you acted during the boom times.

Seth Grodin

What does this mean for us?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

James Island 20th anniversary

James Island 20th anniversary
Originally uploaded by staff_lines

James Island celebrated a big anniversary recently. Cake and cupcakes for patrons, lunch for staff, along with Jim, Nancy and me, and several days of programs. A busy, vibrant branch, with a great staff!