Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bridge project wins another award

You may remember that the library's Remembering the Cooper River Bridges won the John Cotton Dana award, one of the top awards that is given within the library world. Recently we got word that it also won the Savvy Award, for Citizen Participation Communications and Marketing Campaigns, given by the City-County Communications and Marketing Association in conjunction with the National League of Cities.
One of the exciting aspects of this award is that it goes beyond libraries. There were almost 700 entries from across the country, including larger cities than Charleston--Las Vegas, Miami, and Denver.
So many people worked on this project, but the staff of the South Carolina Room, Special Collections and Public Relations deserve special notice.
Thanks to all of your for your work.

One of our CCPL authors

Lish Thompson, who works in the South Carolina Room, is one our local authors. Her book, Rockville, was published by Arcadia press. It's a wonderful history of that community and of Lish's family. She's been on the author circuit speaking about her book and doing book signings at Main, at John's Island, and at the Regata, to name a few. This picture was taken aboard the Island Breeze, one of her recent book events. Congrats to Lish!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Where does it go?

If you're like me, once October starts, the time flies. I can't believe it's nearing Halloween and I'm a little embarrassed that it's been so long between posts. I've been preoccupied with both work (that pesky evaluation month!) and projects at home (updating the kitchen some.) I'm hoping that maybe some of you will send me pictures from Fall and Halloween events at your location, work or home. The picture above is what I thought I'd be doing this month, but haven't made it camping this fall yet.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Charles Towne Landing

I went to Charles Towne Landing a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been there since the CCPL Holiday Gala many years ago. If you're like me, it's often the places close to you that you never get around to seeing, but I'm so glad I did. It's a wonderful place and if you haven't been since they reopened, I'd encourage you to visit. The new visitor's center, pictured above, is gorgeous and the exhibits are interesting and informative. The park works on many levels--a great place to view Low Country nature, a great place for children, and of course, a great place for history buffs.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Writing workshops

Each Saturday in October at the Main Library there is a session of Take a Step in the Write Direction, a series organized by Michel Hammes in Main Reference. Last Saturday it was Memoir Writing with Susan Meyers. A similar series held last Spring was so well received that it's being run again. The presenter wanted no more than 25 attendees and Michel reports that about 50 people wanted to attend. The response from those who attended the program was so positive that she hopes to repeat it in the Spring, with an open session so more can attend. Thanks for sending the photos, Michel!

There are many other great programs going on all over our system. Please send me photos and information. I'd love to share your successes.

Monday, October 09, 2006

We all need help, sometimes

Last week, many of you received an email from Quentella in Tech Services. If you didn't, here's the information. Quentella's boyfriend, Cory Roper, has a rare autoimmune disease called scleroderma, which has damaged his lungs. He needs a double lung transplant. It's hard to believe, but you have to have a huge amount of money before you can even place your name on a waiting list for this procedure--$250,000. There's a fund raiser lunch you can order for Friday the 20th, but you can also just contribute to a fund for him. If you are interested in helping and want to send a check, please make it out to the Cory Roper Medical/Lung Fund and send it care of Quentella Simmons, Tech Services.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

South Carolina Encyclopedia

Tuesday, Oct 3rd, Mary Miller and Nic Butler attended a reception in Columbia to recognize the contributors to the newly released South Carolina Encyclopedia. It's an impressive work, with over 1,000 pages of entries on life in South Carolina--people, places, and events--as diverse as Rock Hill and Rock Music, slave badges and State Farmers Market. We're fortunate to have staff so well versed in information concerning our state.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

NCLIS photo

Recently I mentioned that we'd received a national health award for the hard work of several staff members who hard participated in Reach 2010. Jennifer Myers was kind enough to send me some pictures. Here's one that from the reception the State Library on Sept. 20th.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Festival Hispano

Yesterday, Oct 1, the library had a booth at Festival Hispano. We've done this several years and it's always interesting. We had lots of visitors, made lots of children (and their parents)happy with the fishing game and bookmark making, plus made several good community contacts. If you haven't ever helped out at one of our system-wide outreach events, one of the bonuses is spending time with staff members from across the system and visiting in an informal setting. It was great to learn about each other and to see how pleased the public is with our services. Think about joining us, the next time a call goes out for volunteers.