Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Big Read

It's official! Charleston County Public Library was by the National Endowment for the Arts to be a participant in The Big Read. Cary Jones and I went to Minneapolis last week for an orientation session and came back tired, but excited about both The Big Read and our part in this national program. You'll be hearing lots more about this, and if you're interested in helping out in any way, please let me know.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

ALA, part 1

Standing in the Internet room on the exhibit floor. I don't imagine that I'll be lucky enough to get in here again. Great weather, good start of the conference. I just got us a copy of the DVD, Bridge to Teribithia, after sitting through a Midwest Tape demo. Figured it was worth it. I'm taking pictures of the throngs here and some of the sights as I walk back and forth from my hotel. My feet are already sore and I just got here yesterday....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

more upcoming

I'm been absent from here, again. Sorry! I will have lots soon. I recently attended a training way across the country (and can tell you what, where and why, next MOnday) and am leaving tomorrow morning for ALA in Washington, camera in hand. Look for comments and photos to come.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Not Fiction

Some of you may have noticed, or even particpated, in Main's non-fiction book discussions. Organized and led by Kate Hudson, Main Reference, these discussions have now been extended to the web. Kate's blog, Not Fiction, provides a format for all those readers who can't attend the dicussions or who prefer to take part via the web, to join in. Thanks Kate! Take a look:
go to http://notfictionbookdiscussion.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First SR report

Well, I asked, and boy! St. Andrews just reported that they have given out, as of 3:55 Tuesday, June 12th, a whopping 1,300 Get A Clue bags to eager readers. Meemee and Kristin told me last week that it had been crazy there. Vickie Gibbs says that "The long lines have begun to form at all stations at circulation already......"

Breathe deep all of you and keep signing those kids up!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Piccolo blowout

Like many places around Charleston, the folks at Main are breathing a sigh of relief. Spoleto and Piccolo Spoleto 2007 are history. The Friends sponsored a program of their own, Sara Breibart ran her always popular American Film series and the Children's Department hosted and presented 6 days of programs, with two back to back shows each of the 3 days during the 2 week period. I don't have all of the numbers yet, but the Children's programs were attended by 2,351. Wow!

And now for you. We all use and love or hate numbers, but how's your Summer Reading going? Want to send me numbers, so I can brag about you?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

SR bag frenzy and more

Yesterday many people at Main furiously stuffed 2,500 bags for Children's Summer Reading. We had staff from Reference, TLC, Children's, RAYA, Systems, Acquisitions, Media and Administration. We'll be doing this again this afternoon, Thursday and Friday, hoping to get the bulk of the thousands of bags ready and out to the branches. Charlotte, from Children's took pictures and I hope to post them.

Thanks to everyone at Main! I know you're frantic out there, too...

Also, St. Andrews had their 15th anniversary party yesterday and John's Island big Read-a-Palooza is today. Can't wait to look at their respective blogs and see their pictures and comments!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Main's picnic, revisited

Ricky, with some serious fire going.

Rainy weekends aside, June makes me think of picnics. Main had a picnic a while back. Melissa Christakos took pictures and added them to her Flickr account. Thought you might enjoy seeing them, even if it is a bit past the date. Hey, The Post and Courier society pixs are often two or three months behind!

OK--I tried five times today and can't get the link to insert, so you can go to Melissa's photos. If you're so inspired, you can copy and paste this into your browser:

Friday, June 01, 2007


What a great Flickr class yesterday! Thanks, Curtis. While it's great fun to have a Flickr account and post your photos, it's easy to forget the very basis of this site--photosharing. You don't need an account to look at the photos or to search them. I'll say it again--you don't need an account.

Want to see what other libraries are doing? Search the word library or libraries. There are groups that may have the same interest as you, work related or personal. Want to see what creative ideas people have had and executed in libraries? Go to groups and search library displays. There's a group called Book displays in libraries or anywhere. Fortunately you don't need to know the group's name. Keywords will work. So, have fun, look to your heart's content, enjoy the slide show fuction. Even if you are not a photographer or interested in showing off your shots, Flickr has something for you. (And no, I'm not getting paid by them.)