Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Battle Your Librarian!

Battle Your Librarian!
Originally uploaded by My Book House

St. Andrews rocks!

YA web presentation

June 10th, Library Journal presented a webcast about serving teens. Despite my best intentions, I missed it, but the presentation is available for viewing.

Teen Spirit in the Library: Best Practices in YA and Teen Services

This presentation will be available to audience members until June 10, 2009 at 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

If you're interested in watching this webcast, click

You'll need to register with an email address, but there's no charge to view.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reading bugs

April 30
Originally uploaded by capriciousladie

OK--either a very clever or somewhat gross bug themed thing.!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Online registration sucesses

We've taped an audience with our online library card registration. Started in April as part of National Library Week, the first two weeks saw 75+ registrations. Now, with another month under our belts, we're up to 158! I have to admit, while I thought it was a great thing to offer, it's more popular than I dreamed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Book sale!

Hope you've seen this flyer or come across the ad in the June Calendar of Events. Saturday, June 21 from 9 a.m.--3 p.m., Main Library Auditorium.
I sometimes worry that we have so many programs that some events get lost. If you can, come and buy a few books. This sale features fiction, children's books, and an assortment of media items. Help support the Friends, as they certain support us!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Catch the Reading Bug

Catch the Reading Bug
Originally uploaded by staff_lines

Off and running! I'll be curious to hear Monday how the first week went.

If you have reports from the field--from Catch the Reading Bug, iRead 2008 or Reading Wave, please share!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Every so often there's a moment that reminds of why we do what we do and why we love working in public libraries. Yesterday I had one of those moments that you treasure. I've been stopping in to catch a little of the various Piccolo Spoleto Festival events held by the Children's Department here at Main. Wednesday it was a group called Dream Merchants Reggae, a band of children and teens who play reggae. I'm a sucker for children performing and a big advocate of using the library as a venue for these events. It's important, not only to give children a place to perform, but for other children to see what they themselves can do. Plus, it's usually great fun. And that was the case yesterday. What a talented group and what a moment of happiness and joy. Great music, little children dancing in the aisles, smiles on faces--a true treat.