I've been on the roads of Charleston County the last couple of weeks, visiting the branches. It's been energizing to talk with everyone and to make a new connections. I've been to Mt. Pleasant, St. Andrews, West Ashley, John's Island, Otranto, McClellanville and Poe, with more to come in the next couple of weeks. If I forgot someone, please forgive me!
Many things are the same, no matter the community or the size of the staff and building. Everyone is working hard. Everyone is concerned about the future and what the constant and somewhat oppressive financial news means for CCPL. Everyone has great ideas of what they would like to accomplish. Everyone is proud of their branch.
Many things are different. Mt. Pleasant has concerns related to overuse and how their level of work can be sustained. McClellanville, running of space too, wonders about small branches and their place within the system and if there will ever be expansion in their community. Otranto wants to build on their good record of outreach.
I don't have the answers for some questions, but I do want to hear them. All of these issues are important for us, for now and for the future. I look forward to continuing these conversations, at other branches and other communication methods. Have a question for me?