Friday, May 29, 2009

Almost summer reading!

It's that time again and I'm excited. We have great reading programs set up and I can't wait to see how they are received. Seems like this year, given our already high circulation, might break records.
Please take a minute when you are talking with patrons, to promote these programs. The best PR comes from you, sounding enthused. I'm hoping, not only for good children's and teen participation, but a real boost in the adult Reading Wave numbers.

The story continues

Well, we are two thirds the way through the council budget meetings, with the third reading scheduled for next week. Although the council has been vocally supportive of the library, it appears that we will not receive the budget we'd hoped for. It is basically the budget that we had planned for, so all is not lost.
Our next step, assuming that nothing changes next week, will be to request a waive in order to receive State Aid for materials. This is a new process for us all, but I'm optimistic that we will be successful.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The never ending story

Just returned from a Council Finance meeting. I'd planned to attend that and then stay for the Council meeting, thinking that the first reading of the budget would be tonight.

This has been a difficult year for the budget, both in term of planning and in terms of the council making decisions. Admittedly they are faced with hard choices and none of them particularly good ones. Lots of deliberation this afternoon and evening about last minutes changes, which funds could be use for one time expenditures, which could be used for recurring expenses. Many motions on the floor, enough to force the staff (the county staff) to go back and crunch numbers again and bring it back to the Council next Tuesday.

The good news? The library was mentioned three times and some council members are concerned about our budget and if we will receive state aid. I'd hoped to know that today, but don't. More to come.