Friday, February 27, 2009

Employee of the Quarter

Here's she is! Our Employee of the Quarter, Charlotte Blasier. And here's the two of us with her poster. Charlotte was also presented with a plaque by the Library Board of Trustees at the Feb. 24th meeting.

We are so forutnate to have the talented staff that we do. Please take part in the next quarter's Employee of the Month selection. Nominate a co-worker!

Want more details about Charlotte's award and how to nominate someone? Look for this on our Staff Intranet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What you are busy doing

I just came across an interesting talking points sheet from ALA about the role that libraries are playing in these economic times. Many of you have reported these uses in conversations, emails and in your monthly reports, but this is a useful summary.
Please take a minute to look over this. Being able to sum this up succinctly is very useful for all of us. We each can play a part in educating our community about what we do every day in our libraries. I'm a firm believer in the more people know, the better, and the more they will support you.

So, read and consider the ways you can use this.
Libraries Helping America Get Back to Work

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine wishes

Wishing you the best. In appreciation for all that you do.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Public Library Appreciation Day

PLAD 2009176
Originally uploaded by South Carolina State Library

Yesterday, Feb. 11th, was Public Library Appreciation Day. Sharon Harvey, Friend of the Charleston County Library president, Jamie Thomas, Jim Letendre and I went to Columbia to both express our appreciation of the support we have received from the State Legislature and to highlight the increased roles that public libraries are playing in the lives of community members in these tough economic times.
We took posters, using the ALA Read software, for each of our 13 members of the Charleston Legislative Delegation, along with information packets about CCPL and our expanding usage. The posters look great and the delegation members were happy to come out of their session to speak with us briefly and receive them.

It was a good day and we'll be following up on these contacts, to spread the news about how hard you are working and how much we are valued by our patorns.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Libraries and learning

Once again, I'm directing you to Seth Godin's blog. Today's post is on learning. He calls it learning all the time and libraries often call if lifelong learning. It's what we offer to our community and what, I hope, we participate in as well. He stresses that there are many ways to learn, but emphasizes that reading books is key. Be still my heart.
Read his post yourself Learning all the time

Sunday, February 01, 2009

European adventure

OK--it's sideways. This was an attempt to try something new for me, and it was only moderately successful My nephew is in Lyon, France this semester and posted pictues to an online slideshow site. On the right of that sight is an option to upload an image to several sites, Blooger included. So, I tried it. It worked, although I can't rotate the image without downloading, saving and manipulating, but it's an interesting asset to photosharing. Flickr allows that too, although it credits the source. My little continuation of Tech Trek for the week.