Monday, January 26, 2009

What's the best way to tell our story?

Curtis Roger's blog, Libraries and Life, has a great summation pf an advocacy session he attended recently. He mentions the need to be concrete and, in these times, to tie your activities to politcal issues currently being addressed. I've qupted liberally.

Economic Recovery Goals
immediate action to create good jobs in america
immediate relief for struggling families
immediate assistance for homeowners
rapid aggressive response regarding the economic situation

How can libraries help with reaching these goals?

Exercise: create a one minute speech to meet these goals of economic recovery:

“My fellow Americans, Libraries ARE places where you can check out books, but that’s not ALL! Libraries are job centers offering resume writing opportunities, places where families can bring their children to learn and understand the world around them. Libraries are places to go when times are tough to learn how to make this country a better place for everyone!”

This is very useful stuff! Read the full posting, Libraries and Life: Advocacy Session

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Additions to Staff Intranet

If you haven't checked the Staff Intranet lately, take a minute to log in and look around. We have two new features this month, thanks to Brandi Hamrick. One is the Staff Classifieds, located on the side in the teal bar. Brandi put it well when she said
This means when there’s something you want to give away, sell, trade or rent you can post it in this section for staff instead of sending an email to everyone in the system. Simply log into the Intranet (see bottom of email if need a reminder) and click on Staff Classifieds (on the left side of your screen in the teal part).

There is also a section below the classifieds called On the Side. This is where you can let fellow staff members know about any side jobs you do or particular talents you have so we can support each other. Examples include cleaning services, real estate, handcrafted items, catering, etc.

Also, check out Showcases. She's added some pictures of the great displays in the Main Library's Children's Department. We'd love to feature your department or branch here!

Please help in making the Staff Intranet a fun and interesting place to look, in addition to a place to find all those pesky forms...

Monday, January 19, 2009

We Love Libraries!

We Love Libraries!
Originally uploaded by ALA - The American Library Association

Yes, we do!
Do you have photos to share that show the many and varied faces of public libraries?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New County Administrator

Today I attended a meeting with the incoming County Administrator, along with other elected and appointed officials. Allen O'Neal assumes the position officially next Tuesday. He's been in town for a week or so, receiving an orientation from the retiring County Administrator, Mac Canterbury.

The big news for us is that Mr. O'Neal is a book lover! He mentioned that he still has 17 boxes of books to unpack and that his wife, a retired teacher, already has a library card.

He's personable and I look forward to working with him. Once he's settled in a little more he'll be visiting us. He told me he looks forward to it. So do I. I trust that the library will have a great relationship with him.

Monday, January 05, 2009

It's 2009!

Hard to believe, isn't it? I can remember staying here at Main, Dec 31st, 1999 to staff the building for First Night. The big turn of the millennium and now the first decade is almost over....

This year promising to be an interesting one and most likely, one with challenges. I not big on making formal resolutions, but I resolve to:

Try to maintain a sense of perspective and proportion
Try to maintain a sense of humor
Try to keep you informed
Try to make sure we keep moving forward
Try to make sure we have some fun along the way.