Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today's burning question

I just finished reading Libraries and Life, Curtis Roger's blog. One of the post today concerns the downturn in newspaper reading and other methods that are more used to gather news. What are the implications for libraries?

According to the Pew Research Center for the People & The Press, the Web overtakes all media except TV as a major source of news. Libraries need to follow this trend and make decisions about which in-print newspapers they subscribe to.

Your thoughts? Read the full posting at Should Libraries scrutinize their newspaper holdings?

Monday, December 29, 2008

So cute

I've asked Brandi and Jamie to work on a section of the staff Intranet that would handle the various personal emails that we send out to everyone in the system. In the meantime, I know you got this one, but the pictures were so cute that I am repeating it.

Kittens need a home! Please contact Lisa Hale halel@ccpl.org if you are interested in these kitties.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry and bright

While I might be playing the role of Scrooge lately, it's not my native way of being and certainly not filling me, or anyone else, with holiday cheer....

Please take some time over this break to rest and refresh your spirits. I truly believe that we are, in fact, still so very fortunate.

So, I'm sending you thoughts of good cheer and holiday wishes! Go ahead, have another cookie.

Friday, December 19, 2008

More attention for libraries?

Some of you may know that the upcoming Obama administration is interesting in school and library improvement. They've asked for information from libraries that have "shovel ready" projects. (That does not include us, sad to say. They want projects that are already designed and just waiting for the go-ahead to stick that first shovel in the ground.) Nonetheless, that interest is encouraging.

Curtis Roger's blog today. Libraries and Life, has a YouTube clip of President-elect Obama's Dec. 6th weekly address. He touches on this briefly. Yes, it's very brief, but an presidential mention is significant. Thanks for alerting us all, Curtis!
Libraries and Life

Friday, December 12, 2008

Party Time

OK, it's that time again:

2008 Holiday Gala
Saturday, December 13 from 7 - 11 p.m.
Arabian Temple, 4132 Rivers Avenue, N. Charleston

I understand that there's a friendly competition between Otranto and Mt Pleasant to see which has the most staff attend. Via Facebook I've heard rumors of a dance contest. Sounds interesting...

See you there???

Monday, December 01, 2008

Today's issue of Charleston Currents, a "new online twice-weekly publication that offers insightful community comment and good news on events, accolades and accomplishments, " highlights the computer classes in the Technology Learning Center.

Great article, Jennifer and what a great way to promote what we do!

Take a look
Library's free classes can give job seekers an edge