Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SCLA 2008 Conference

SCLA 2008 Conference 006
Originally uploaded by curtis rogers

I attended this conference last week and came away with notes. I'll detail some of them in another post, but in the meantime, a couple of questions.

We're doing so many outstanding services and activities. Why don't we let other libraries know?

Should we expand on our existing sustainability practices and form a committee? Is there even time to add another committee meeting?

In the increasingly tough economic times, should we push our job and career services? Check to make sure our resume books are current, better promote our computer classes, pull together pathfinders with our resources for job seeking? Would it help us, in our pushing for continuing funding, to remind the community that the library has a significant economic impact?

Friday, October 17, 2008


This week has been a difficult one from many of us personally and for the organization, as events moved much more quickly with Tom's condition than we expected. I feel fortunate that I had a chance to visit with him the morning before he passed away. He was not alert, but I trust that he heard me, on some level, when I told him that we (CCPL) would miss him, but that we would be OK.

Thank all of you for your kind words of support in the past few days. Transitions such as this are difficult and we are facing lots of unknowns in the months to come. I trust and know that you will continue to work hard, do good work, and provide exemplary public service. I look forward to working with you.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Changes, changes

As you already know, the shape of my days has taken a turn this week. I'm still sorting through what that means and trying to determine priorities. This may well mean that the scope of this blog will change also.
I'd always hoped that this forum could expand our communication and be a help to all of us in sharing and exploring concepts and ideas. I still hope that and hope that you will work along with me to continue the forward direction of the library. You do it every day. We're a good library because of you. I want to celebrate your sucesses and assist you. Please let me know what you are thinking and experiencing as we go along.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Difficult days

It's been a hard week for all of us at CCPL. The news of Tom's illness is sad and difficult to absorb. I know many of you are thinking about him and he is thinking about us. He loves his work and this library. Please continue to send him cards and letters.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Give people a break."

Every once in a while you stumble across a blog posting that you wish you'd written and that you also feel compelled to share. I just read the following posting on Squidblog by Megan Casey. It's a great summation of the courtesy we should extend to each other, in person and online. And the courtesy we all want to receive.

Give people a break.
The break you probably deserve yourself.
People are out to do good, 99% of the time.
You probably are too.
Say thanks out loud and a lot.
Try making someone’s day.
Chances are they’ll make yours in return.

To read the whole posting, visit