Food for Fines
We're well into the Food for Fines drive and I've heard some promising reports. Main has filled one bin and the second one is close to needing pickup. St. Andrews called for a pick up in the first week and Mt. Pleasant have filled their bin 3 times and are awaiting another pickup. Cindy Schweinfest reports, "we are continuing to receive very positive comments from our patrons about the food for fines. Many of them were aware that the Lowcountry Food Bank's supplies were getting low, and several have indicated that it is very easy for them to come to the library to bring in canned goods."
I encourage you to pitch in. We are fortunate and don't have fines to pay off, but you can help our community by bringing in a food donation. Please consider this, if you have not already contributed. The Food for Fines drive concludes October 5th.