I am here to say that, yes, there is life after The Big Read. I had my doubts for a while. You may well think that The Big Read is over, so what's the delay? The programs did end, but the paperwork didn't. Grants, of course, require an evaluation, and in this case it was an extensive one. It left my office late yesterday afternoon. So, at long last I can turn my attention to other matters.
I can honestly say that I have never worked on such an all consuming project. I felt crazed with all the details. I think we had a great program and it couldn't have happened without you. Thanks to all of you for supporting the project, volunteering for the many things we undertook and being enthused about The Big Read.
So, here's the question. Should we do this again? The grant cycle has changed and the next round, due in February, is for September 2008 through June 2009. Awards will be announced in late April 2008. I'd be willing to serve as an adviser (believe me, I learned a lot!), but really want to pass the torch on to someone else. I feel confident that the second round would be easier and we could easily spread out the work load so it wouldn't be as overwhelming. Interested???