The SC State Library Staff can't make it everywhere, so let's send in our pictures. If you haven't posted to Flickr, or would like help, feel free to send your photos to me.
Help celebrate National Library Week in South Carolina!
WHAT: During National Library Week 2007 on the days of April 16-18, South Carolina Library Staff members will take a wide range of photographs of librarians working, meeting, teaching, and doing all that librarians do in a given day. We encourage you to be creative in taking photos that capture the essence of South Carolina librarianship and are visually
attractive. Winners will be recognized on the SC State Library’s web site and during the 2007 SCLA Annual Conference in the fall in Columbia.
WHEN: April 16-18, 2007. We suggest that you capture images at all times during these three days. Photos must be submitted via and tagged with NLWdayinSC2007.
*There is no need to pre-register to participate in the project. See guidelines below for more submission details.
WHERE: Wherever you work! Wherever SC Librarians are!
Suggested photographic subjects:
·At the circulation desk
·Working in technical services
·Drinking coffee at a staff meeting
·Assisting a patron in the stacks
·Shelving books
·Teaching a Library 2.0 class
·Try to capture images from your workplace at different times of the day.
Photos may be submitted in the following categories with one winner chosen from each category and one overall winner honored:
1.Librarians as Teachers and Trainers
2.Librarians as Trailblazers in New Technology
3.Most Humorous
WHO: The contest is open to all SC Libraries of all types. Professional photographic skills are NOT required.
HOW: Use whatever photographic equipment you have available-from digital cameras to 35mm as long as you can post them to We welcome color and black and white images.
For more information and detailed submission guidelines, please visit: